Gillis Jacob will take his usual place in the Brook Street midfield having recovered from injury.

Joe Anderson is likely to field a predominantly second string side when Brook Street face Seldom Smiled in the Tartan Cup later this morning.

With a number of big league games coming up the Tartan Cup is not high up his priority list and the Brook Street coach is unlikely to take any chances by playing many of his main players.

“We’re using the cups to ensure all our players get gametime over the week, nothing more, said Joe this morning. “The league is and will always be our priority”.

“We got a wee boost last night when Gillis Jacob was passed fit to play, so he’ll be back in midfield”, added the coach. “Otherwise you can probably work out our line-up by who didn’t play on Saturday”.

He concluded by saying, “It would be good to progress to the next round, but it’s not the be all and end all. As long as we get through the game without picking up any injuries or cards, I’ll be happy”.