Fermín Romero was less than impressed with his side’s second half showing this afternoon.

Anyone who had left the LJG at half-time this afternoon would have been expecting Brook Street to win by double figures. Already 5-1 up, a home win was in the bag and the only question remaining to be resolved was ‘by how much’? So the final score of 6-2 was something of a disappointment following that blistering first forty-five minutes.

And it was certainly a disappointment for Athletic Coach Fermín Romero who was clearly frustrated by his side’s inability to mete out an even heavier defeat when he attended the post-match press conference.

“We were unstoppable in the first half and their goal only seemed to irritate my players into greater efforts”, said Fermín who quickly added. “It must have taken so much out of them that they needed a siesta in the second half”.

He continued, “We seemed to think that we had done enough in the first half and that our job was done. That was far from the case and it wasn’t until Inverness scored a second that we woke up again”.

“That’s nowhere near good enough. I want the first half performance in both halves, not just the first”, he added.

In a blistering start to the match, Brook Street were 2-0 up with only four minutes on the clock through Joe Anderson and Raúl Colen before Gilbert Conlon pulled a goal back for the visitors in the eighth minute.

Two Paul Hughes goals in the sixteenth and twentieth minutes had Brook Street 4-1 to the good before Charlie Benham rifled home the fifth goal.

Goalmouth action was at a premium after the break but Brook Street were awarded a penalty in the seventieth minute. With regular penalty taker Adam Doyle watching on from the stands, Alex Marker stepped into the breach and was perhaps too confident as he fired the kick high, wide and not so handsome.

With seven minutes to go, the visitors pulled a goal back when Gilbert Conlon grabbed his second goal of the game.

This finally kicked the game back into life with play racing from end to end, however it would be Brook Street who would find the net again when with three minutes to go, Kari Kienberger fired home.

Elsewhere, Badger Loyal continued their good start to the season with a 5-0 win at Oboy shot, Winbat defeated Elgin at home by the same score and Paisley Pirates won 3-2 at St Andrew.